Friday, May 29, 2015

Offshore Development Center – An Option to Start OWNED, Hassle free, Company in India

 A lot of companies prefer to outsource their software development projects to India to reduce costs, increase productivity and improve operational efficiencies. It allows companies to easily ramp up and ramp down resources. The Offshore Development Center (ODC) model is the most strategically sound option when companies have long-term operational plans. It offers strategic partnership and collaboration; creating a mutually beneficial alliance between the vendor and the client. Let us look at some of the benefits you can avail by establishing an ODC in India and it is a seamless extension of your IT organization!
As companies want to focus on core activities, it is not feasible for them to occupy their time and energy into routine and repeating type of activities. Companies can outsource such activities readily because these activities do not affect on company policies or performance.
Nowadays, enterprises work in the edge of extreme competition. Savings in cost and energy enable them to invest their capital into more productive and futuristic projects.

Simply, enterprises can take benefits of ODC model for both cost reduction and focus on their key project

Benefits of an ODC Model

Apart from savings in cost and energy, it provides numerous benefits to enterprises. Some of them are as follows:
·         Increase productivity – You need to invest in a lot of time, money and energy to lead your inexperienced in-house developers’ team to success. As a start-up company, you don’t afford that leverage of spending lavishly. Offshoring allows for restructuring your in-house resources, thereby, increasing the overall productivity; and your partners in offshore development centers have a vast experience in the industry with tried and tested models of operation. They quickly sense your business requirement to deliver the best possible product. Encourage seamless co-ordination between your in-house team and the offshore development center to get maximum output.

·         Control: You can exercise full control over the team as the developers work dedicatedly on your project. You can have your own HR policy and can ask them to work for you at your convenient time irrespective of the time zones. You have full control over the operations and processes; the project is your brainchild with no interference of the ODC vendor. You are the one planning and taking strategic decisions of the entire project. The team directly communicates with you and reports to you with no involvement of vendor in it.

·         Reduce operating expenses – As you are aware, technology involved in IT/ITES industry changes rapidly, it becomes practically impossible for you to micro-manage it. Moreover, it starts affecting your core business operations. Relocating suitable roles to offshore development centers helps you to significantly reduce operating cost. Besides hiring a highly productive workforce, you save on infrastructural investment in office space and administrative expenses. 
As a result, you need to invest a lot of money into buying licensed software and compatible hardware. Added to that, employees need continuous training on the updated technology, which incurs an extra cost. As an offshore development center can utilize the same equipment and software for other clients after your project is over, it is easier for them to achieve faster return on investment.
·         Availability of talent – A leader can obtain maximum output from his followers, when he is aware of their potential. There is a plenty of talent available in the development centers. They are professionals with superior knowledge and a creative mind-set.
Moreover, being located in the developing world, their aspiration level is quite high and they are willing to give their best output provided they get a favorable environment for working. Make sure that your partner invests appropriate energy in retaining talent. Share this knowledge with your in-house team to facilitate better collaboration.

·         Greater visibility and predictability in the development process – Offshore development centers with their vast experience are able to look into the project through a different perspective. A new perspective gives you an opportunity to differentiate your services from the clutter.
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